Monday, September 11, 2017

Exchanges in Fairfield


This week was pretty crazy, we started off with two days up in Fairfield on exchanges with our zone leaders. Fairfield is a way interesting place, the first place that my zone leader, Elder Mitchell, took me was to these big golden domes where people meditate, and they also have a thing called "the Tower of Invincibility" there as well. Wowee. We went to lunch at this indian restaurant with a member, and she was telling us about how the earth was hollow and stuff and that was an experience for sure.

I also went to a salad bar for the first time in my life and I don't recommend it.

And then we went back home to Ottumwa. There was this one Marshallese girl who was about to be baptized before I got here but after she passed her Interview I guess she just bailed. But this week she just randomly showed up at church, so that was a miracle. Also we found the perfect member to help one of our investigators quit chewing tobacco, which was awesome. Heavenly father is watching over us without a doubt. 

Also, one of the members of the bishopric in our ward and a good friend of ours was sick yesterday and not at church. We made cookies for him, and also for his little daughter who doesn't like us. It was a good time.

I love you all and I hope all is going well.

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