Monday, October 16, 2017

Homecoming and a Temple Trip

Elder Thomas-- Outstanding in his "corn" field!

This week was packed with exchanges and Zone Conference and whatnot. However, early in the week we were invited to a powderpuff game by the "H" family, an El Salvadorean family we are teaching. When we got there, we first watched an assembly where the homecoming royalty got picked and one of the "H"'s was homecoming queen! This opened the door for me to finally achieve my dream of being homecoming queen, so Elder wood and I took pictures in the king and queen sashes and crowns. The Herrera's have a picture, I'll have to get it from them.

Also this week, we went to Nauvoo for a zone conference and then went to the temple with a recent convert to do a baptism for her son, who died in a car accident a long time ago. It was super awesome, and probably for the first time I could totally feel that he was there. The temple is an irreplaceable thing, and I really wish I would have gone more when I lived down the hill from one.

I love you 

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