Monday, August 7, 2017


Isaac and his Trainer Elder Wood

Outside of the Nauvoo Temple

Hello everyone!

I don't have much time so I'll make this quick

My companion, Elder Wood, is awesome. He's from California, and he and I get along super well. Ottumwa, Iowa is where I'm at. Its super poor here where we live. We live on the south side of the river, and it gets pretty poor in some places. 

We went to the Nauvoo temple and Pageant on my second day here, and while we were crossing the bridge we got "Barged", which is to say that as we crossed the Mighty Mississippi a barge came and the drawbridge trapped us on the bridge so we were late to the temple. Everyone asked, "Did y'all get barged?" We did.

There are a ton of bugs here. While we watched the Pageant at the Nauvoo temple, I could feel bugs crawling around inside my clothes. Pretty Nasty.

We taught a guy who tried to tell us that the only worthy people were Africans. He tried to convince us that famous rappers are the prophets and that the Government and Bankers have hidden books of scripture that could "turn this world on its head."  Eventually we gave him a Book of Mormon, got up, and left. Poor guy. 

We teach a lot of Marshallese people which is way cool. They're all super faithful. We found this really drunk Hispanic guy yesterday and we talked with him for a little bit, but it became clear that his only interest was in bashing with us. So after a few minutes of him struggling to stay upright while he read random scriptures out of the Bible to us, we left. But the Hispanic people out here are usually super nice.

There's this one Non-member out here who owns a snow cone shack, listens  to the same type of music I do, and lives in a house that used to house a bunch of Nuns. He fed us a few nights ago and gives us free snow cones. He's awesome. 

I don't really have any pictures this week because I don't have a flash drive or card reader but I'll send some next week

I read chapter 1 of the book of mormon with an investigator this week, and in the very last verse it talks about how the Lord's tender mercies are over all. And they most certainly are.

I love you all

Fun Fact about Ottumwa, Iowa it is the birthplace of Radar O'Reilly from M*A*S*H

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