Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Carbs, A Swing and a Fistful of Miracles

A Boy and his Dad ~ Here we are having the time of our lives...

Elder Brunelle Toothbrush Totem Pole ~ He skates as well so we were super tight!

Hello everyone,

This week was pretty cool.

We did exchanges this week, and eventually my Trainer and the English trainer went to teach a really stubborn investigator. That left Elder Toone and I alone. We just decided to knock doors, and the first few people either ran away from us or just said no. Up to this point I hadn't found anyone, we have been super busy with current investigators and when we did go finding we mostly got sworn and/or laughed at. But the last door we knocked on was this super relaxed guy who was totally open to listen. We had thought that we wouldn't be able to do anything, because both of us had only been in the field for a week or less, but we found a solid investigator. That was a Miracle.

Also, we've been trying really hard to work with the Marshallese People out here. There's a group of about 30-40 people who came to Ottumwa from the Marshall Islands, and I guess they came here because their Islands are sinking. At least that's what they told me. Luckily, we're good friends with the Matriarch of the Whole society: Mama Jerredine, who's a member and loves us to death. Elder Wood says she's our Marshallese mom, and she is. Anyway, we've been trying to get them to come to church, but they always just sleep in. A lot of them are still investigators, and we want them to come learn together in church. This week, they challenged us to a game of basketball on saturday night, so we accepted. It was way cool, the Marshallese guys we played with were way good, but by some miracle we won, and went home. The next morning, 25 marshallese people showed up to church and the ward grew from 80 people to 105. Elder Wood's companion before me was Marshallese and he says that 25 is the record. That was a miracle.

Also this week, we had dinner with a Member family who's super cool. In their backyard they have this massive swing on a hill so we went out and gave it a whirl, as they say. 

Also also this week we had dinner with a legit scientist. Elder Wood and I had been curious as to why there was 50% of our Carbohydrates Daily value in a bottle of Pink lemonade, and he told us that basically everything is carbs but in a real sciency way. He also told us that we'd get fat if we had too many carbs. That led us to eat all the food in our apartment to dispose of it, and then this week we bought a whole bunch of healthy garbage and we're going to start lifting a ton in order to get huge. We call it: "Getting Yoked with Elder Thomas and Healthy Dave", Healthy Dave being Elder Wood. Come October we're going to be unrecognizably ripped. However, we're going to violate our diet on our birthdays, because mine is the 30th and then his is September 2nd so we're going to treat ourselves.

Our Heavenly Father loves us a lot. If you don't feel that, pray to him and ask if he really does. I think I heard that in stake conference once. The speaker said that if you didn't feel it, you should find some quiet place to be alone, and ask him if he really loves you. I did that, and as such I know that he does. He loves us more than is possible to imagine. 
I love all of you
Elder Thomas

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