Monday, September 25, 2017

Ottumwa  Elders

Stan, Stan The Ice Cream Man

We had a lot happen this week.

We were eating dinner with a family of Investigators from El Salvador this past week, the H's,  and they told us that there was going to be a huge Latino festival in Ottumwa where they were going to close down main street and have a big old party. Elder Wood and I went and it was pretty crazy. We're going to start teaching an English class so we thought it would be a good place to hand out our fliers, but I started explaining it to this one guy in Spanish and he just said "Dude, I can speak English." I felt like a real dweeb. I asked him if he knew anyone who needed help with English and he said that most people already speak it alright, so I failed. But we saw the H's and they gave us free candy which was cool

Also, we were eating lunch or something a few days ago when we heard the ice cream man, and Elder Love (the English trainer in Ottumwa) and I decided we were going to buy some popsicles and convert an ice cream man. So we grabbed some Books of Mormon and like three dollars and ran out the door. We waited in line and when it was our turn he said "You're money is useless here" and I assumed he was about to bash us but then he explained that he was a lifelong member of the church haha so he wanted to give us free stuff but we still paid him. What a neat guy.

Elder Wood and I have been trying to come up with simple ways we could teach for our Marshallese Sunday School class, and this week we decided to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our classic Funfetti Cookies. We had an ingredient for every part of the Gospel, and mixed them all together and explained them. Like Faith is the cake mix we use, the eggs are repentance, and all that. Then, when we had it all mixed together, Elder Wood had everyone close their eyes while we switched out the mix with some cookies we made earlier, and then they opened their eyes and ate cookies. I love the Marshallese people a ton, we also played volleyball with them this week and this one kid, J, did a back flip off of my hands which was cool.

There's a ton of Squirrels and other animals just cruising around in Ottumwa and a lot of times they become roadkill. For example, there is a full grown beaver laying on the side of the freeway right now. But there's a lot of squirrels, and we picked one up that wasn't too mangled and Elder Love skinned it, mounted it on a piece of an old table, salted it, and now its tanning on the top of our roof. The goal is to make it into a tie. Elder Love does what he wants and I have massive respect for that haha.

This week was an incredibly rough one as well, at least for me. But no matter how difficult a test, God loves us and won't leave us comfortless. I just randomly decided to read in Second Corinthians a few days ago and found a scripture that says 

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"

Every difficult experience we have enables us to feel joy. There's a lot going on in the world right now that it rough, and I've got a few things I'm burdened with right now just like everyone else. God loves us so much, and he knows the best way to help us is to teach us how to turn to him in times of struggle. I think one of the apostles said that any difficulty will be lightened in the moment we turn everything over to God. The answer is always to put everything in your Heavenly Father's hands and trust him with it. He will always do what is best.

I love you all more than I ever have
Marshallese Volleyball

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

AWOL Investigator

American Gothic House ~ Eldon, Iowa
An Iconic Companionship

President Eyring???

There's this investigator we have, R, who we heard from a few weeks ago saying that his car broke down in Keota, and since then we hadn't been able to make contact with him. He lives way out in the boonies and he was never there. R is this really awesome massive, lonely dude who lives like 100 feet away from the house his great grandfather grew up in or something, and I love him to death. So we were driving home from his house yesterday and my companion told me this story about saying specific prayers so he was like "let's pray and tell Heavenly father that we will be at the library at like 11 or 11:30 tomorrow and ask him to let R be there too." So I prayed while we drove and for whatever reason I felt like we should say 10:30 so I did, and Elder Wood told me that was his original thought but he didn't want to go that early haha but it wasn't meant to be. So we planned to see him here at the library, and we pulled into the library at like 10:20, waited until 10:28ish, prayed again, and we walked in here and here he is, sitting behind me watching Latin Music Videos. A Miracle.

Also, there's this Marshallese guy named M and his girlfriend B that we've been teaching, and they're awesome. Mack and us are super tight and he's hilarious. We taught him the word of wisdom but he couldn't give up chewing tobacco and it was really really a bummer. I think a lesson I've learned before my mission and during my mission is that when you Love someone deeply enough, you open yourself up to the possibility of getting hammered by an equally deep sadness. It was so sad to see him cling to his tobacco. So we prayed and fasted for another miracle. The next time we went over, he told us that the same day he went to get a job interview, there was an emergency so the guy couldn't interview him and M couldn't work so he didn't have money to buy chew, so he was three days off of it and he decided to keep going with it. He's really, really struggling with the addiction but he knows that he can do it. We are taking him and B to Bubba Q's tomorrow. Also he invited us to he and B's birthday party and we are going to get Beana a Can of Beans for her birthday because her name is "Bean"a.

God knows the ways that things must be done. I've got a few situations that I've been thinking about a lot lately, and they're definitely not going the way I'd like them to. But I've been finding strength in the knowledge that God has something much better in store for me. Always trust the love that our Father has for us.

I love you all a ton

Monday, September 11, 2017

Exchanges in Fairfield


This week was pretty crazy, we started off with two days up in Fairfield on exchanges with our zone leaders. Fairfield is a way interesting place, the first place that my zone leader, Elder Mitchell, took me was to these big golden domes where people meditate, and they also have a thing called "the Tower of Invincibility" there as well. Wowee. We went to lunch at this indian restaurant with a member, and she was telling us about how the earth was hollow and stuff and that was an experience for sure.

I also went to a salad bar for the first time in my life and I don't recommend it.

And then we went back home to Ottumwa. There was this one Marshallese girl who was about to be baptized before I got here but after she passed her Interview I guess she just bailed. But this week she just randomly showed up at church, so that was a miracle. Also we found the perfect member to help one of our investigators quit chewing tobacco, which was awesome. Heavenly father is watching over us without a doubt. 

Also, one of the members of the bishopric in our ward and a good friend of ours was sick yesterday and not at church. We made cookies for him, and also for his little daughter who doesn't like us. It was a good time.

I love you all and I hope all is going well.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Zone Conference and Panda Express

Deer Guy

Zone Conference

This last week was really awesome. We had zone conference, we had interviews with the president, and I had panda express for lunch.

Things are going pretty well here, we were talking to M, our boy from the Marshall Islands, and he just kind of mentioned that he had read a little of the Book of Mormon one night, and we asked him about it and he had just picked it up and read like 8 or 9 chapters at once. He told us the story of Nephi and his family and said he loved it. M is the coolest, he's super humble and he loves basketball

Also this week, we were coming home from somewhere and I saw, in the distance, what appeared to be a car covered in antlers. It got closer and closer and we saw that it was covered in deer skulls and had this big old cowcatcher thing on the front. Elder Wood took a picture out the window of the car and the guy stopped, backed up to where we were and talked to us for a bit. Apparently this guy basically hunts deer with his car haha, he had "killed 24 deer this year alone in this car". Wowee.
Me in a Tree

We have also been wandering about in the woods for our P Days recently, and its a good time. Yesterday we found a river, some quicksand, and lots of frogs. Utah definitely doesn't have forests like these.

We've seen a lot of miracles lately, and there's no doubting that God is in charge of everything. 

I love you all a lot, and I hope you can feel that.