Thursday, June 13, 2019

Aug 27, 2018

We had a lot of stuff going on this past week. We were all over the place but we still got some good work done and saw some cool stuff.

We're teaching two Spanish families, The Morenos and the Gonzalez's and they are awesome. We had a lesson set up with the Gonzalez's for wednesday, and when we got there they told us that they had gotten stuff messed up and thought we were coming on tuesday so they were waiting for us. The Husband even canceled a soccer game that he was going to go to for us. That's a pretty big deal, so I felt pretty bad. I started to apologize and everything but he just said "everything is fixable" and gave us some gatorade and told us to teach him. What a guy. The way teaching usually goes is us inviting Hno. Gonzalez to be baptized or read the book of mormon, and he'll tell us he wants the blessing first before he does it. Then Hna. Gonzalez will yell at him about how he can't expect blessings without doing anything and then he'll commit to doing it. At first we were mostly just teaching Hna Gonzalez but he has become really open to the message. He and his family should be coming to church soon, and he also invited us to his restaurant to eat some tacos. They're the coolest

On saturday we went to help with a baptism in another ward in the Zone. Towards the end, someone was finishing up their talk and said "I know that this church is true" and a little girl in the back row jumped up and yelled "Me too!" That was pretty cool. That was one of my favorite moments of the week

Yesterday after church we went to go finding and we ran into a lady who just lost her aunt like the day before we came and was struggling pretty bad with it. I love being placed in people's lives at the perfect time as a missionary, and it happens all the time. We were able to teach her the plan of salvation and she told us that it brought her a lot of peace. It is such a blessing to be able to bring peace into people's lives who are struggling, and we get to do it every day. I love being a missionary.

Early in the week, for some reason I kept getting hardcore shouted at by random people and it was kind of getting to me. We were talking to someone on their porch and their neighbor came and shouted us down and told us to leave, and then later that day we walked up to these two african guys, and one of them laughed and the other chewed us out for a while and stared us down as we walked away. It happened like two other times. Usually those kind of things motivate me and get me fired up, but for whatever reason they were kind of getting to me. I was a little bummed about that but as we went through the rest of the week we had little miracles like the little girl at the baptism or getting to teach the plan of salvation to someone who desperately needed us. It was cool to me that God was there to help me realize the good that we do. And to cap it all off, I learned while talking to one of the district leaders that one of the people we found on exchanges like 3 transfers ago got baptized. So I got to facebook message her and she said that we had changed her life. So that was a tender mercy

Being a missionary is the greatest! I love it.

I hope you all have a great week!

I met a frog this week
Spanish MLC boiz

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