Thursday, June 13, 2019

Nauvoo & Exchanges

Hello everyone! This week I had the opportunity to go to Nauvoo, Illinois for the pageant and stuff. My companion goes home this transfer and every missionary gets to go once in their mission. So I got lucky and got to go as well. It is really cool to see such a big part of church history, and the temple there is incredible. I love it there a lot. I've been studying church history a lot so it was cool to connect what ive read with a real place. It really strengthened my testimony of the church and the gospel.

We also went on exchanges with my boi, Elder Toone from way back in ottumwa. He was trained there at the same time as me and he is now training Elder Walters! Elder walters is a cool guy from arizona. I got ot go with Elder Walters on his first exchange ever, so that was cool. I really love being around new missionaries, its cool to see how they do the work and how enthusiastic they are. We went and ate dinner with an older lady who had us take a garbage bag full of cat poop to the dumpster.

Also this week there was a crazy rainstorm, so that was cool. Iowa storms are always pretty crazy, they have a weird feeling to them. But all that came of this one was a whole lot of rain

Thats basically all that happened this week. I love you all a lot

Nefi, Elder Palmer doesn't send weekly emails. Sorry pal. 

Cat poop bag
I touched the Mississippi!

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