This week was a crazy one. We got the call that elder rocha and i are staying together for another transfer her in DM. pretty cool
Later that night I got super sick and threw up which was not super fun, so i missed going to IHOP and bowling with my zone and i was furious. the one P-day we weren't playing basketball i spent within 10 feet of a toilet. Also we eat hispanic food literally every night and thats what made me sick, ut i got to hangout with Elder sitterud that whole day, he was leaving the mission soon and he and i had some good conversations while i laid on a the couch haha. He was a good dude to me in a time of nastiness. What a guy. he's doing well back home watching star wars and skating for days haha
Also earlier today, i was leavving walmart and i was just about to throw away my receipt but i had a feeling that the door things were going to freak out at me so i kept it, and somehow as i was leaving the store the alarm went off on me so i had my reciept. that was a miracle.
I saw the lord help me a lot this week. It's been a relatively rough one but God gave me Elder Sitterud to chill with me when I was sick, lots of members give us fast food instead of hispanic food, and I didn't spent today in walmart prison so I'd call that a win. God always helps us
I have some hilarious videos of a little hispanic boy named Joseph laughing at elder sitterud and his brother named Juan after they got their faced slammed into some hispanic cake, so give those videos a watch haha
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