Thursday, June 13, 2019


I've been transferred! I left the mighty Mississippi and I'm now in a place called indianola Iowa. I'm pretty close to des moines again so i feel like I'm at home.

I had a lot to say last week but not a lot of time to say it. The week before I left, I was on exchanges with one of the district leaders in our zone and all day I just felt like we were going to find someone cool. I kept feeling it, that we were going to find someone solid. A few hours later, we were knocking this street and no one was even a little down to talk to us. Usually meeting a lot of mean people happens right before we meet someone cool, and I was feeling stronger than ever that we were about to find someone. We walked up to this one house and right as we knocked this dude came out and shook our hands and introduced himself to us. His name was Brandon, and I felt like this was the guy. We talked to him for like 45 minutes, and it was just an incredible lesson. He was super super interested. We left a Book of Mormon with him and set up a time to come back. When we came back, we asked him if he read and he said he only read a little bit. We asked him how far away he was and he opened up to his bookmark in Alma. This guy read all the way to Alma in like 3 days. He talked to us about how he liked it and he repeated some of the stories back to us, and he said he got "truth chills" all the time as he read it. Apparently, his Grandma had told him that when you hear or read something and get the truth chills, you know its true and you should never deny it. So not only had he read so much, but he also knew it was true. Then we started talking and he told us that he had something happen in the past that made him question if God really had control, and if he really loved us. He said he had a nephew, also named Brandon, who he really connected with. He said he was just a baby but he felt a ton of energy from him. The littler Brandon suddenly died when he was 6 months old. As he told us this, older Brandon started to cry and asked us to help him understand why that happened. So we talked about the plan of salvation and testified to him that Baby Brandon would still get a chance to experience life. When we were done talking he told us that we had brought him a lot more peace than he had ever had before. That was up there with one of my favorite experiences ever. 

But yeah then I got transferred but I'm excited to be here!

Being a missionary is the coolest! I love it and I am grateful for the opportunity to be out here in the greatest state in the union ðŸŒ½ðŸŒ½ðŸŒ½

Love you all!

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