Monday, June 24, 2019


Hello everyone! This week definitely has not been the most exciting week of the mission but I guess 1 or 2 things happened

Last Sunday we arranged to eat with the office missionaries, who just so happen to be the most interesting grouping of people in central Iowa. Elder Martin, our financial coordinator, is A vietnam war vet, builds hot rods, and could probably choke out an adult horse. Our vehicle coordinator, Elder Drummond, hates computers, loves donuts, and could shoot me in the head from 200 yards, running or walking (his own words). Dinner with martins went well and was pretty normal, but our lunch with elder Drummond was an email-worthy experience.

We started off by meeting him in the office where he works with his "stupid dang computers", and afterwards we found ourselves helping him move a grill into his apartment. While we drove around the greater des moines area, he told us about how he met Sister Drummond. Apparently he met her at a BYU singles ward. But the story got interesting when he told us about how he had gone to the office and gotten her transcripts and a copy of her schedule because he "didn't want to marry a dummy." He's a funny guy. After we got the grill into his apartment, he took us to "The Colonel's" to get a bucket of chicken for lunch. Essentially, the most exciting part of my week was eating a bucket of chicken with our vehicle coordinator. 

I also had the opportunity to go on 2 exchanges this week which was great. I went first with elder Christensen where we spent a good chunk of the day knocking. Knocking can be frustrating as a Spanish missionary in the states because usually we have to hand over all the English speaking investigators we find to English elders. SO we find incredible people and never get to teach them again. So we said a prayer and then I just followed Elder Christensen to wherever he thought we should go. The first door we knocked on was a Spanish speaker who had LDS friends. That was a miracle. Towards the end of the lesson, we found out that his friends who are LDS are members in the branch who we eat with all the time. We were led by the spirit to what we think was the sole Spanish speaker in the building, and we caught him right before he went to eat dinner with his family. God knows where the people we need to teach live, he knows which doors we need to knock, and if we have the faith he will lead us directly to them.

On my other exchange I got to go with My zone leader to his ward because my other zone leader just got called to be AP. Everyone there thought I was the new missionary there haha, they called me to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting and introduced me as the new member of the ward. I also got called on to say the prayer in gospel principles, and to speak in Elders quorum. But there were a few student from a local college there researching the church for a religion class. When they got to the building you could tell that they thought we were all a weird cult, they were terrified. But as we went through the meeting I saw them write stuff on their notes like "everyone here is really nice" and they volunteered to read scriptures in gospel principles. It was cool to see their hearts soften as they felt the spirit. 

I don't have any pictures this week, sorry about that, but here are some throwback classics

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