Thursday, June 13, 2019

I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's

This week, I went down to Des Moines to have some dude poke me with a needle and take my blood. Also, my son in the mission, Elder Ostergaard, is serving in the des moines spanish branch so we went and had arby's for lunch and had a grand old time. Elder Ostergaard is my hero.

Elder Langbata and I were on exchanges this last week and we saw a lady carrying her groceries and offered to help. She said she was sick and didn't want to talk to us, so we gave her a pamphlet of the restoration and our phone number and went on our way. The next morning we got a call from a random number, so we answered it and it was that lady (Tia) and she told us that she had read the pamphlet and "felt strongly" that we could help her and that it was good. So we set up a time to go by later in the day and teach her some more. A few hours later, we got a call from another random number and answered it. This time it was some sisters from temple square saying that a lady named Tia had called in and talked to them and asked them about some videos she saw on Wowza. She is super prepared. We've had two lessons since then with her and she took notes all over the pamphlet and took notes on the chapter of the book of mormon that we left with her. We set a baptismal date with her and she is excited to get baptized. Things like that don't happen by accident. I know for sure that God led us to her

We also talked to a guy who talked about Relationship between bigfoot and The Book of Enoch, and also told us about a Pyramid in Illinois thats bigger than the pyramids of giza. The more you know, I guess.

I know for certain that this church is true! This is God's church on the earth and I love telling people about it.  

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