Monday, June 24, 2019

Bowling and the Book of Mormon

If you read my email last week, you know that i missed bowling last week and you will also know that i was enraged. But this last P-day I was talking to some other missionaries who also hated basketball, and one of them decided we were going bowling so i finally got to go. 
The bowling alley smelled a little bit  like crushed up cigarettes and axe body spray, but it was a great time. While we were there a high school bowling league showed up and i got an inside look at the world of competitive bowling. What a time to be alive.

The other day we were walking down the road and I saw this older guy out on his porch smoking, and I felt like we should go talk to him. As we walked up to him and started talking to him we quickly realized that he was another crazy old guy from Iowa who wasn't interested. But for whatever reason he insisted we go next door to talk to this other lady, so we did. She was interested, and I felt really good about talking to that crazy guy.

Yesterday I woke up and I was in this weird funk and I just wanted to go skate really bad and I couldn't really focus on anything. When I started personal study I started to read Alma 3 and the heading says: "Shiblon was persecuted for righteousness’ sake—Salvation is in Christ, who is the life and the light of the world—Bridle all your passions."
After I read that I felt like a real dweeb. I had been caught up in myself and my passion and I hadn't been focused on the work. So I kept reading after being rebuked and in verse 2 it says: 
"And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end."
And then I felt a lot of hope. There was a time When I was talking with my mission president about how I didn't feel successful and he just told me that i wasn't called to be successful, I was called to be faithful. And all I can really do is be faithful in the work and trust God. 
I know that God is playing an active role in my life and that the Book of Mormon is in our lives to help us find motivation and guidance. I know God loves you all as well and so do I.

I hope you all have a great week!


Elder Rocha's Mixtape cover

An investigator's daughter with incredible balance

A creepy hispanic candle

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