Thursday, June 13, 2019

Frolf, Zone Conference, and a Cold Font

Last P-day we went to Ames for a zone p-day. Towards the end, I went for a last-minute frolf game with my boi Elder Christensen and the 2 missionaries he is training. They all had their gym shorts and t-shirts, but all I had was my missionary clothes but they convinced me I would be fine so I went with them. It started out great, we had a quality time throwing pieces of plastic around in the woods. At one point we lost sight of the next hole, so I threw my frisbee into the trees with the hope that it would land somewhere good. It did not. I ran after the frisbee and saw that it landed in a creek that was just beyond the tree line. So I climbed down into the muddy pit and got my frisbee. I sunk pretty deep into the mud, and by the time i worked my way back up onto solid land I was dripping in sweat, but I got out. I've since made a pact with myself to never go frolfing again.

We had a zone conference as well this week, its always good to meet up with old companions and hear from our leadership.

Yesterday was Edmond and Rovy's baptisms. everything was looking good and I was beginning to feel a little bit more relaxed about the whole thing and had a few moments of peace while we were driving to the church to start filling the font. Suddenly we realized that we had gotten the timing wrong and gotten to the church way too late for the font to be filled in time and my peace went away. We started filling the font, and scrambled to try and find some way to speed up the process. We decided to fill up pitchers with water from the kitchen and spent an hour doing that. Just as Edmond and Rovy arrived, we finished filling the font. We also realized that we had been using ice cold water and that the water in the font was cold enough to take your  breath away. When all was said and done, Edmond and Rovy got baptized and they loved it. Their family was very excited and happy to become the newest members of the church. They are a cool family and I feel very blesses to have been able to help them. 

I love you all a lot! The church is true

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