Thursday, June 13, 2019

January 21

We had a blessed week. The people we're teaching are progressing, the people we're finding are coming to church. Its all a miracle. I'll tell you a few cool stories

We're working with a Congolese family and they are so awesome. Thats Shanne and Edoumi that I've been talking about. We went over on Monday night to teach them and we heard some loud conversation coming from inside. So we knocked and they let us in and they had invited some friends over. Shanne then introduced us to them in French. I'm getting to the point where i can understand french enough to know what they're saying, and basically Shanne told his friends (Gi and Franc) That we were messengers from God and Missionaries from his church. Its so cool to hear him say "my church". He's locked into it. Super dedicated and he hasn't even been baptized yet. Then I whipped out a Gospel of Jesus Christ Pamphlet and when Shanne saw it he held his hand up to me so I would stop and I heard him say "the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what God gave to prophets and Apostles in the past, and what he gives to us now with prophets today" and then he basically taught them the restoration. He then set a baptismal date with his wife and committed his friends to come to church with us. SO cool.

We went over again yesterday to teach the Word of Wisdom. I was worried, because I really love this family and I was worried it might make them question. I was dead wrong. Shanne immediately understood it and told us he had no problems with any of it. His wife, Evodie, drinks tea, but she said that from then on, she would never have another cup of tea. So much Faith. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Shanne asked us "My wife is giving up tea to follow Jesus. I don't drink alcohol or smoke, I don't drink Coffee or tea, what can I give up to follow him? I just couldn't believe it. He has such a great attitude. I love them

A week or two ago we saw this guy shoveling the sidewalk so we talked to him and he seemed super standoffish. His name is James, we learned, and we gave him a book of Mormon and set up another time to come back. When we came back he said he had read the part of the Book of Mormon we left with him (Moroni 10) We asked him how it went and he said "I didn't have a vision or anything, but I have a feeling in my soul that this book is true." Wow. He came to church and is now working towards baptism

Some guy that elder Jarvis found on exchanges this week just randomly showed up to church which was a tender mercy.

Also last week 2 people randomly showed up to church in the sister's ward(David and Allison). They actually live in our area so we're teaching them now, and they are so prepared. David just said that one day he felt strongly that he needed to look into the church so he spent hours on He wants to get baptized real bad and he said he felt spiritually inclined to throw out all his alcohol, coffee and tea 2 weeks ago so he's been living the word of wisdom. Wowza

Today marks 19 months since I started the Mission
Never in my life have I been so happy. 

I love you all a lot! Choose the right 

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