Thursday, June 13, 2019

pretty good week

What a week this has been. 

We started off with exchanges in the Assistants' area on tuesday which was super fun. those two are just machines and its good to learn from them. One of the current AP's, Elder Matthews, was also in Indianola at one point and he gave me directions to a house that he had seen hispanics in at one point. When we got home, we went straight there and knocked on their door. A little boy came to the door and yelled something in Spanish and suddenly the door swung open and they yelled for us to come in. They sat us down and gave us water and talked to me in spanish and we felt like kings. We are being so blessed here. I honestly think that at this point we have talked to every hispanic person in Indianola. Its a miracle. They were super nice and I got to teach them about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't think I could have been happier. Later in the week, we came back for our return appointment and the house was looking pretty dark. I was pretty disheartened, but we went up and tried the door. Again the door flew open and another hispanic lady who i didn't recognize answered and brought us in. This time, the house was just overflowing with people. They gave us soda and cake, and told us that it was a birthday party for one of the kids that lived there. Fortunately, we had brought one of the children's Book of Mormon things in spanish so i called it a Birthday present and gave it to their daughter. The mom, Brenda, told her she would have to share it with her brothers haha, it was cool. After that, they settled everyone down and told them that I was going to share a scripture. My poor comp doesn't speak Spanish, but I went around and introduced myself to everyone and they all introduced themselves to me. There was probably like 30 people there and they all were just waiting for me to teach them some stuff. So I shared Alma Chapter 7 verses 11 and 12 which says

"And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
And he will take upon him deaththat he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that hmay know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."
Then I bore my testimony of Jesus Christ to them in Spanish. Such a blessing. That was a tender mercy.
At church this One girl we're teaching, Victoria, came to church for her first time. She's super cool. Right when she walked in a member family introduced themselves and invited her to sit with them at the front of the chapel. That same family was blessing their baby that day, and before the meeting the father of the family took a little bit to explain to her what a baby blessing was. It was cool. 
After The baby blessing people started bearing their testimonies and everything, and eventually one of the members got up and bore an incredible testimony of the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ. The spirit was super strong and after he was done Victoria said amen and looked really happy. So cool.
I love you all a ton! Have a great week! 

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